We at first thought that the Pack Rat that we encountered when we first arrived here in Havasu was a local guy. However, it soon became evident that,
NO...he had hitched a ride with us up in Colorado and was living happily in the ceiling of the trailer. Every night we could hear him running around up there. This proved to provoke a lot of discussion among us and other RVers here in the park as to our best course of action. We knew that he came out on nightly raids for food, water and shiny things so we visited the local Home Depot and armed ourselves with snap traps, sticky traps and DeCon snacks. This was war and we were determined to win. For the first week he snapped the traps w/o getting caught, avoided the stickys and ignored the DeCon. However he must have been getting hungry as the DeCon disappeared one night and several days later we stopped hearing from him. So now, a fortnight later, we assume that he has gone to Pack Rat heaven and is now enjoying the pleasures of seven virgin Pack Rat ladies. We haven't noticed any odor but were told to not worry about it as out here in the dry Arizona air they mummify so quickly that it isn't noticeable.
Thus ends the saga of Larry, Teddy and the Pack Rat.