This is the view from our back (Living Room) window here at The Desert Gardens RV park. As you can see Teddy placed a hummingbird feeder in the tree directly behind the trailer in hopes of attracting an Anna's hummer which are prevalent in the area. As you can see we certainly didn't get what we expected.
This morning at around 6:30 am I was awakened by a rapid "rat-a-tat-tat" noise.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Gila Woodpecker assaulting my ear.
Nazzie and I were amazed to see this little guy whacking away at the top of this electrical box. I grabbed my camera and Nazzie got downright excited. He was apparently thinking, "Woodpecker Pie, woodpecker pie, gonna get me some woodpecker pie", but alas it was not to be.
Next he flew into the tree and by cleverly clinging to a branch adjacent to the hummingbird feeder, was able to enjoy a hummingbird breakfast. Later in the day he came back with his girlfriend to buy her lunch. On reflection, I believe that the pounding away at the electrical box was just an attempt to impress his girlfriend with what a strong pecker he had. ;-)
The pictures are lovely. What a sweet little thing.
He is a beauty
The nerve of that guy. He makes lots of noise to be so small and then steals a free breakfast.
keep us posted, no telling what will come along next.
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